
Volkstaat (Afrikaans for "People's state") is a proposal for the establishment of a homeland for Afrikaners. Outside a possible use of force, the South African Constitution and International Legislation present certain possibilities for the establishment of such a state. The South African regime declared that they would not support a Volkstaat, but "would do everything they could to ensure the protection of the Afrikaner language and culture". What a fine job they are doing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Boerevolk seek status as a nation

Dr Johan (Lets) Pretorius led members of the Boerevolk organisation to the Union Buildings at the weekend to demand recognition from the presidency.

Men, women and children on horseback and dressed in Voortrekker attire joined several others on trucks and bakkies.

Brandishing flags - including the Vierkleur and other former Boer Republic flags - they gathered at the Tshwane Events Centre before marching to the Union Buildings.

Posters saying "Enough is Enough" and "The Vierkleur will fly again" were also on the vehicles.

In a memorandum handed to Director-General of Land Affairs, Glynn Thomas, the Boerevolk demanded a moratorium be placed on any expropriation of land the Boerevolk may have a claim to until a final decision on the Boerevolk's independence has been reached. The complete independence claim of the Boerevolk is contained in their Majuba Declaration.

Pretorius said it was imperative the Boerevolk be politically defined as a nation.



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