
Volkstaat (Afrikaans for "People's state") is a proposal for the establishment of a homeland for Afrikaners. Outside a possible use of force, the South African Constitution and International Legislation present certain possibilities for the establishment of such a state. The South African regime declared that they would not support a Volkstaat, but "would do everything they could to ensure the protection of the Afrikaner language and culture". What a fine job they are doing.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Thirty statements on the Afrikaner and a territory of their own

From the Freedom Front website: In the past, different political parties and Afrikaner groups used the term “homeland”. Because each group gave its own meaning to the term, it now has many confusing and negative connotations. Territorial self-determination has developed internationally to such an extent that it cannot be completely defined with a single word. The following background is essential for complete understanding of the concept.

  • Afrikaner nation The existence of an Afrikaner nation is a historical fact that can hardly be argued; social, political, economical and other factors have in the course of history affected people in such a way that a self aware and distinctive cultural community developed, a community whose members experienced a common bond of destiny regarding the past and the future and who embodied their political unity in a joint aspiration for a state.
  • Variety Naturally all Afrikaners do not experience their Afrikaner character in the same way, they do not act the same in this regard, do not attach the same value to it; this kind of variety is normal and political discord or even a prevalence of critical voices does not revoke the existence of this community.
  • Identification Thus a nation does not exist by grace of ‘n complete and definable identity, but because people decide in terms of their common nationality and with a view on the future to identify with each other.
  • Calling Religious Afrikaners understand their national character as a calling; yet a nation with a calling must continue to exist, must therefore be free and have a country where it can live to the full.
  • Freedom The Afrikaner nation does not at present have a country where Afrikaners are an undisputed majority and is visibly on the way to non-freedom, which can lead to dissolution; freedom can only be found in an own country and a new state and society.
  • Unemployment Afrikaners face large scale unemployment when affirmative action in the new South Africa claims the civil service, postal services, railways, health and education, police and armed forces, institutions like the SABC, Iscor, Escom, Sasol and private enterprises for the unemployed masses.
  • Distribution Due to the widespread distribution of Afrikaners across South Africa they cannot in any one place dominate political, adminstrative and cultural institutions on the basis of equality and democracy.
  • Self-determination The absence of an area where Afrikaners are the vast majorty, does not destroy their claim to self-determination, as it is seen as a primary right of a nation and is recognised by the FF.
  • Nation state A state is only a nation state when the population consists mainly of compatriots, where all permanent residents enjoy full civil rights and where open democratic elections result in government by the people.
  • Collectivity It is a state where collectivity in terms of language, customs, heritage, history and state institutions is self-evident.
  • No discrimination It is a state where distinction based on ethnicity is superfluous.
  • Peace It is therefore a state that is not disrupted by ethnic struggle or rivalry for governing power.
  • Compatriots It is a state where the economically active population consists of compatriots, even though they may belong to different classes.
  • National labour It is a state where labour is performed by compatriots and not by foreigners, not even foreigners who cross the border in the morning and depart again at night.
  • Foreign labour It is therefore a state where prosperity, rest and safety do not depend on foreign labour or foreign money and where these qualities do not have to be enforced with strict security actions.
  • Government It is therefore not a state where compatriots control the government while foreigners are in the majority and have economic control.
  • Choice of territory The selection of an Afrikaner homeland must be in favour of the area where there is currently the highest concentration of Afrikaners, or in favour of the area with the lowest total population that could, through development, be effectively occupied.
  • Demographics At present, Afrikaners account for about 9% of South Africa’s population and this will be about 2% when the total population exceed 100 million in the next century; it stands to reason that while today’s 9% still have a voice, the 2% will not be able to prescribe political decisions in future.
  • Size The size of a homeland must be determined by asking what size Afrikaners can occupy, cultivate and defend; in the end no more than that can be retained.
  • Growth points Three economic growth points that can grow to become cities with 300 000 to 500 000 residents can, together with smaller towns and farms, ensure the Afrikaner’s future.
  • Population The east and north of South Africa where most Afrikaners live, is also home to 90% of the country’s population; only 9% are Afrikaners and the estimated growth of the black population is one million per year.
  • Western Cape The Southwestern Cape has for years been experiencing an influx of 26 000 Xhosas per month, as well as an unabated influx from neighbouring states.
  • Northwestern Cape The sparsely populated and undeveloped western part of the country that includes the Orange, Doring and Olifants River as well as other natural resources offers Afrikaners an opportunity to create, with high level of technological expertise and urbanisation, a future within the borders of the former South Africa.
  • The outside world The West Coast makes contact with Europe and the First World possible, while the RSA may possibly fall more under the influence of the East.
  • Military To enforce constitutional control by means of military power would necessitate a permanent state of emergency and long term military service by civilians, lead to foreign sanctions and disrupt and impoverish the state.
  • Basis of principles When the basis of principles of the Afrikaner homeland is right, the support of the whole nation may be called for, those who want to settle there as well as those who cannot or do not want to live there. This principle is internationally accepted.
  • Part of the solution The realisation of an Afrikaner homeland must be part of a solution for the population problem of the whole SA ; peace and stability in the entire country as well as protection of Afrikaners who cannot settle in the homeland immediately, must be ensured.
  • Settlement A particular area must be earmarked for Afrikaner settlement with the prospect that majority occupation can be reached there and with the express understanding that their continued existence as cultural communities will be ensured.
  • Founding a nation The right to proceed to founding a nation when they consider it necessary and possible, must be constitutionally acknowledged by South Africa.
  • Liberated through labour The Afrikaner nation will therefore have to be liberated through Afrikaner labour; in the long run their language and culture will only survive in a homeland, under own rule and the idea that a nation community can be maintained with all kinds of gimmicks in one dispensation with others, appears to be unrealistic.


Volkstaat in the Western Cape

The vision of Jan Lambrecht from africancrisis.orgis presented here:

In my previous post I mentioned the L-shaped piece of terrain which I thought whites could seize in the Cape. It is a small portion of the Cape. But it would be more than large enough to house a population of many millions of whites if need be.

I thought what the heck, let me scan a map and draw the borders based on natural features - mountains and rivers which are nice and defensible and which would be an attacker's nightmare.

This is pretty much in line with the sort of area I envisaged when I wrote my book.

The map below is the small version of it so that you can see at a glance that I am referring to the very southern tip of S.Africa. The border I envisage as a minimum is the one drawn in red. As you can see it would cover the northern tips of ranges of mountains. Very defensible. The borders might be a bit long, but I think it would be very doable because many things in the Cape favour us. Then there's the question of Port Elizabeth. The blue line is an alternate border suggestion, which seizes some mountains and a river which runs to the north of Port Elizabeth which would give us a 2nd city - and a 3rd port!

It is a small portion of the Cape. But it would be more than large enough to house a population of many millions of whites if need be.

I thought what the heck, let me scan a map and draw the borders based on natural features - mountains and rivers which are nice and defensible and which would be an attacker's nightmare.

This is pretty much in line with the sort of area I envisaged when I wrote my book.

The map below is the small version of it so that you can see at a glance that I am referring to the very southern tip of S.Africa. The border I envisage as a minimum is the one drawn in red. As you can see it would cover the northern tips of ranges of mountains. Very defensible. The borders might be a bit long, but I think it would be very doable because many things in the Cape favour us. Then there's the question of Port Elizabeth. The blue line is an alternate border suggestion, which seizes some mountains and a river which runs to the north of Port Elizabeth which would give us a 2nd city - and a 3rd port!

For example, there are 45 million people in this country, and of them 4.2 million are white.

A short while back I spoke about the fact that we'd be outnumbered 10:1.

That is true - if you look at an average for the whole country.

But for some time I've been accumulating various statistical data. I was just in the mood to do something different and finally I sat down and pored over tables, data and statistics - and the news is very good!

I have never before actually sat down and analysed the population data in detail. My problem was how to break it down and get realistic numbers out of it.

I sat looking at trends over decades, breakdowns, estimates, etc.

The bad news is that percentagewise, over the last century, we whites have gone down from being 21% of the population of this country down to less than 10%. Bummer.

But even so, the results look really good.

There are many parts of this country - where I reckon whites could hold territory in an all-out civil war... many places - valuable places too.

I still think the Cape is the ideal spot. The Cape is so incredibly defensible. There are SO MANY THINGS THAT WORK IN OUR FAVOUR IN THE CAPE. Today I saw many things I'd never realised before.

Let me tell you of a really neat white homeland that would be rock-solid to defend. Look at maps, and you will see several mountain ranges in the Cape which form almost an L-shape. They run almost parallel to the coast. They run from Saldhana bay, around the Cape to Port Elizabeth. There are lots of them.

Now there are a few hundred thousand whites living in Cape Town - which is a small area. Let me tell you, if we seized Cape Town and drew our borders at those mountain ranges, we could have land right up to the north of Saldhana bay (maybe even all the way up to Namibia if we wanted), and our homeland could reach as far as Port Elizabeth. But PE is not that defensible, so it might be just out of reach for us. But most of our border would be ocean on the one hand, and mountains on the other. Only 5% of our border would be on "flat terrain". We'd have an large L-shaped country with more than enough room for 4 million whites. We'd have two ports, several airports, and at least one major city. Our country would be awesomely defensible. On the one hand we'd have a massive buffer zone in the form of a largely barren semi-desert which would be a logistics nighmare for any enemy who wishes to attack us. They'd have to travel hundreds of miles through desert-like terrain with no infrastructure to attack us. We'd be holed up in mountains, and they'd be coming at us from a flat plain. It would be a hopeless exercise for them. If they wanted to break into our country they'd have to come more or less from the east only - and there we have plenty of mountain ranges to fight them to a standstill in.

When I looked at the population data and adjusted it downwards - allowing for our dropping numbers of whites - I was still very impressed with some numbers I saw. Ten to one is an absolutely worst-case scenario. And there are many practical reasons why we won't be facing such odds. Some of them are quite surprising - totally surprising and unexpected. But I'm keeping it all to myself.

We whites have quite a lot of good things going for us which aren't obvious at first.

So I'm sitting here with about half a dozen really juicy insights which would work well in our favour in a race war. These are just plain and simple facts of life and demographics which work heavily in our favour - over and above those we have discussed before. These are brand new realisations which hit me.

We're not as screwed as we may think we are. I thought I'd share the good news with you folks.


Accord on Afrikaner self-determination

Absolutely nothing has come from the following document.

23 April 1994


TAKING NOTE of the unsigned Memorandum of Agreement between the African National Congress (ANC) and the Afrikaners Volksfront (AVF), dated December 21, 1993; and

TAKING NOTE of Constitutional Principle XXXIV dealing with the issue of self-determination; and

SUBSEQUENT to the discussions between the delegations of the ANC, the AVF, the South African Government and eventually the Freedom Front (FF) –

The parties represented by these delegations record the following agreement:

1. The parties agree to address, through a process of negotiations, the idea of Afrikaner self-determination, including the concept of a Volkstaat.

2. The parties further agree that in the consideration of these matters, they shall not exclude the possibility of local and/or regional and other forms of expression of such self-determination.

3. They agree that their negotiations shall be guided by the need to be consistent with and shall be governed by the requirement to pay due consideration to Constitutional Principle XXXIV, other provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 200 of 1993 as amended, and that the parties take note of the Memorandum of Agreement, as referred to above.

3.1 Such consideration shall therefore include matters such as:

3.1.1 substantial proven support for the idea of self-determination including the concept of a Volkstaat;

3.1.2 the principles of democracy, non-racialism and fundamental rights; and

3.1.3 the promotion of peace and national reconciliation.

4. The parties further agree that in pursuit of 3.1.1 above, the support for the idea of self-determination in a Volkstaat will be indicated by the electoral support, which parties with a specific mandate to pursue the realisation of a Volkstaat, will gain in the forthcoming election.

4.1 The parties also agree that, to facilitate the consideration of the idea of a Volkstaat after the elections, such electoral support should be measured not only nationally, but also by counting the provincial votes at the level of:

4.1.1 the electoral district, and

4.1.2 wherever practical the polling stations as indicated by the parties to, and agreed to by, the Independent Electoral Commission.

5. The parties agree that the task of the Volkstaatraad shall be to investigate and report to the Constitutional Assembly and the Commission on the Provincial Government on measures, which can give effect to the idea of Afrikaner self-determination, including the concept of the Volkstaat.

6. The parties further agree that the Volkstaatraad shall form such advisory bodies as it may determine.

7. In addition to the issue of self-determination, the parties also undertake to discuss among themselves and reach agreement on matters relating to matters affecting stability in the agricultural sector and the impact of the process of transition on this sector, and also matters of stability including the issue of indemnity inasmuch as the matter has not been resolved.

8. The parties further agree that they will address all matters of concern to them through negotiations and that this shall not exclude the possibility of international mediation to help resolve such matters as may be in dispute and/or difficult to conclude.

8.1 The parties also agree that paragraph 8.0 shall not be read to mean that any of the deliberations of the Constitutional Assembly are subject to international mediation, unless the Constitutional Assembly duly amends the Constitution to enable this to happen.

8.2 The parties also affirm that, where this Accord refers to the South African Government, it refers to the South African Government which will rule South Africa until the April 1994-elections.






Here is a letter from Nelson Mandela himself on the subject:


Volkstaat map 5

Hoogland-aksie Die Hooglandgebied is die grootste Afrikaner konsentrasiegebied in Suid-Afrika en daarom is dit as toespitsingsgebied geidentifiseer. Hoogland huisves tans sowat 1 miljoen Afrikaners en sowat 700 000 nie-Afrikaners. Die Afrikaners van die gebied is hoofsaaklik verstedelik en is in verbinding met die landelike dele oos en noordwes van die metropolitaanse gebied.


Volkstaat map 4

An improvement on number 2 and my favourite so far.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Volkstaat map 3

What Should happen: Afrikaners and English should all flee to the West coast. The region of choice would be situated between Spoeg Rivier Baai to Radyn and Somnaas Baai to Soebatsfontein as you can see in the attached image. This image is protected by pretty serious mountains to the East. One of the old SAW"s obstacles during the border ware, was logistics - and they had a much more capable force than the SANDF. The SANDF physically cannot maintain a prolonged deployment to this area because of the mountains that are in the way. Sure the Air force can make it, but they will run out of fuel pretty fast, and the war in Iraq has proved that "fast movers" are not capable of targeting a widely despersed group of individuals properly. This could be a safe region. It offers a lot of natural harbours and plenty opportunities for the green thumbs in the Boer community to start a propserous Agricultural industry.


Coloureds claim the volkstaat

By: Yolandi Groenewald

18 November 2005 12:16

The future existence of Orania as an Afrikaner volkstaat is being challenged by a land claim. Gazetted in August, the restitution claim on the Northern Cape town has surprised the 600-strong community, which is already embroiled in a battle with the government to win the right to self-determination.

"We were shocked when we heard about the claim in August," said Manie Opperman, mayor of Orania. "We did not see it coming at all."

About 483ha are being claimed. A coloured community of about 60 families says it was forced to leave in 1991, when the white Orania community established the roots of an envisioned volkstaat in the town. The claimants say this constitutes a forced removal in terms of race.

The claim is based on beneficial occupation, where people had lived on a property for 10 years or more before being removed. According to the claimants, labourers who worked on farms and river channels in the area lived in Kleingeluk, a former suburb of Orania, from as early as 1965.

"We know that some of these people were born, bred and married on Orania"s land," said Sugar Rama-karane, regional land commissioner of the Northern Cape.

Opperman has begun investigations of his own to determine whether the claim is valid. His community wants to fight the claim on the basis that the claimants did not live on the land for the required 10 years.

"Yes, people lived here. But they were working on the Orange river channels. The construction ended in 1979," he said, adding that the workers included white engineers.

From 1979 to 1984, only a maintenance team was left at the site and the workers moved away, said Opperman. "In 1985, new construction teams were sent to the channels for new construction, which took place till 1990. In other words, what we are looking for is names. We want to know who these people are who lived on the farm for the supposed 10 years."

If the claim is successful, Opperman says they will appeal to the government to consider alternative compensation.


Volkstaat map 2

First proposed Volkstaat in the sparsely populated Northern Cape. Source

Volkstaat map 1

A proposed Volkstaat in and around Pretoria. This region is heavily populated by non-Afrikaner South Africans, as well as Afrikaners.


Ancient history

3 MARCH 1994

Split looms for CP

Cape Town – The Conservative Party is so racked by internal dissent that it could see a breakaway right-wing group registering for the elections.

A group of CP MPs made it clear during a caucus meeting that it could go to the polls. One source said that they had effectively "thrown down the gauntlet".

They argued that if the right wing could get support for a Volkstaat council – provided for in the Interim Constitution this week – it could force a new government to seriously consider allowing for the creation of such a homeland.

The Star, Thursday 3 March 1994

4 MARCH 1994

Volkstaat boundaries tomorrow

The borders of the Afrikaner volkstaat and the territory's constitution would be unveiled at an open session of the Afrikaner Volksfront-aligned "people's representative council" in Pretoria tomorrow, the AVF announced yesterday.

The AVF transitional assembly last week gave its constitutional committee instructions to submit a "concept constitution" and a visual presentation of the land claims of the Afrikaner volk to the meeting for consideration and acceptance.

The AVF transitional body was implemented as a right-wing alternative to the Transitional Executive Council, which has been described by constitutional committee chairman and Conservative Party MP Fanie Jacobs as "irrelevant".

The Citizen, Friday 4 March 1994

6 MARCH 1994

Viljoen crushed by right-wing hawks

Rampant Afrikaner Volksfront leaders yesterday swept aside an attempt by former SADF chief Constand Viljoen and his moderate generals to register a right-wing party for the April elections.

After a bitter nine-hour crisis meeting in which numerous personal insults were directed at General Viljoen, hardline Conservative Party leader Ferdi Hartzenberg announced triumphantly to rapturous applause: "We will not take part in the elections".

The Sunday Times, Sunday 6 March 1994


ID warns against Volkstaat and gay ban

May 16, 2006

The first salvo of a key municipal by-election battle began on Monday with Patricia de Lille's Independent Democrats (ID) warning that to vote for the Democratic Alliance (DA) would mean that voters would be backing an Afrikaner volkstaat, the banning of homosexuality and the sale of alcohol over the weekend.

Referring to the United Democratic Movement (UDM)'s weekend decision to confirm its participation in the DA-led coalition... "I find it extraordinary that a party like the UDM can explain with a straight face why they have put a DA government in power. In this by-election campaign we are going to explain to people that you are not voting for the DA but for a DA coalition which includes the Freedom Front (Plus) which wants a volkstaat ... which includes the ACDP (African Christian Democratic Party) which wants to outlaw homosexuality and ban alcohol sales at the weekend. Source